How can protecting our telomeres help us live longer, healthier lives?
How can protecting our telomeres help us live longer, healthier lives?
Telomeres, sections of DNA tacked on to the end of chromosomes, play a crucial role in the ageing process. Much like the protective tips at the end of your shoelaces, they protect your chromosomes from being damaged by the wear and tear of the DNA replication process. At the University of California San Fransisco in the US, Dr Jue Lin and Dr Elissa Epel are investigating how telomeres are affected by the environments we live in and the lifestyles that we lead, and how looking after our telomeres can help us live longer, healthier lives.
Talk like a molecular biologist
Chromosome — a structure found within a cell’s nucleus that contains proteins and a molecule of DNA
Compassion — a feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering
DNA — the molecule that carries an organism’s genetic information
Empathy — the ability to acknowledge another’s feelings and imagine things from their point of view
Gene — a sequence of nucleotides within a DNA molecule that codes for specific proteins or contains information that controls other genes
Genome — an organism’s complete set of DNA
Mindfulness practice — a type of meditation that involves focusing your attention on whatever arises in the present moment
Mitosis — the process by which cells replicate for growth and repair of the body’s tissues
Nucleotide — a molecule that acts as the basic building block of DNA
Polymerase chain reaction — a laboratory technique used to produce millions of copies of DNA sequences and proteins
Sleep ritual — a series of activities that is repeated each night before going to sleep
Telomerase — an enzyme able to add nucleotides to telomeres
Telomere — a protective ‘cap’ found at the ends of chromosomes, made of repetitive DNA sequences
Understanding why and how we age has been a central scientific question for centuries; a question that, thanks to our growing understanding of telomeres, we are beginning to answer. At the University of California San Fransisco (UCSF), Dr Jue Lin works in the Blackburn Lab, founded and directed by Professor Elizabeth Blackburn. Professor Blackburn has spent her career at the forefront of telomere research, both discovering the molecular nature of telomeres and co-discovering the crucial enzyme telomerase, a feat for which she was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2009.
After gaining her graduate degree, Jue started collaborating with Professor Blackburn and Dr Elissa Epel, a health psychologist. Over the past 20 years, Jue, Elissa and Professor Blackburn have conducted many studies, leading to over 100 publications linking psychological and behavioural lifestyle factors to telomere biology.
These days, Jue, Elissa and the team at the Blackburn Lab are investigating the science of telomeres from a variety of angles. The team’s research is building understanding around the complex nature of telomeres and telomerase, including their behaviour, how they interact under different cellular conditions, and how they are affected by the way we live and the environments we live in. In particular, Jue and Elissa have been investigating the effects of stress and lifestyle choices on our telomeres, and what this means for our long-term health.
What are telomeres?
In order to grow and repair themselves, our cells are constantly undergoing the process of mitosis. During this process, a cell replicates its entire genome before dividing itself into two new cells, each containing a full genome. However, this process of genome replication is not perfect, and a small amount of DNA from the end of each chromosome is missed out during each replication. Given that our cells are constantly replicating over the course of our lifetime, it is important that this fraying of our DNA is kept to a minimum. If left unchecked, these omissions would begin to erode our genes, preventing our cells from functioning as they should. Fortunately, telomeres provide our bodies with the solution.
“Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences, coupled with specialised proteins, found on the ends of our chromosomes,” says Jue. “They protect the stability of our genomes by preventing progressive degradation.” Telomeres are essentially ‘sacrificial’ structures that form protective caps on the end of the DNA in our chromosomes. Each time a cell divides, it is these telomeres that are degraded rather than any ‘useful’ sections of DNA. This degradation, therefore, does not affect the function or health of the new cells. “Telomeres shorten after each cell division because the DNA replication machinery is not able to replicate the very end of the parent strands,” says Jue.
What is telomerase?
As telomeres are degraded every time a cell divides, they slowly become shorter and shorter. When telomeres become too short, the cell receives a signal to stop replicating. This is a key part of the ageing process that prevents us from replacing old cells. However, there is a mechanism by which telomeres can be renewed. This process is controlled by a unique enzyme, discovered by Professor Blackburn, called telomerase.
“Telomerase is a special enzyme that can add nucleotides to telomeres, therefore maintaining telomere length,” says Jue. This enzyme is not active in most human cells, but it is in germline cells that produce sperm and eggs. This ensures that telomere degradation is not passed on to the next generation. Telomerase is also present in stem cells, meaning that when stem cells differentiate into whatever specialised cell the body needs, they begin their role with a full set of telomeres.
So, if telomerase can reverse telomere degradation, why is it not active in all our cells, staving off ageing for the whole body? “While telomerase’s role might seem like a good thing, the relationships between telomeres, telomerase and human diseases are complex,” says Jue. “For example, some types of cancer appear to be associated with longer telomere length and higher telomerase activity.” This suggests that telomere renewal is not always preferable. The Blackburn Lab is studying these relationships to understand more about the roles of telomeres and telomerase in ageing and disease – and what we can do to support these molecules to help us lead long and healthy lives.
Telomeres and stress
Like most of the biomolecular processes happening in our body, telomeres can be affected by our physical and mental health. There is growing evidence suggesting that stress, in particular, may be speeding up telomere decay. “Human and animal studies suggest that various forms of chronic stress may accelerate telomere degradation,” says Jue. “In our own research, we often recruit participants who suffer from various degrees of stress, and study how this is associated with telomere length and telomerase activity.”
Elissa giving a TedMed talk about stress and telomerase: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnMuuRcczf8
Professor Blackburn.
© Christopher Michel
Together, Jue and Elissa studied telomere length in the cells of mothers who had children with chronic illnesses, compared to mothers who had children without such illnesses. They found that the first group of mothers, especially those who needed to provide more caregiving and reported higher psychological stress, had shorter telomeres. Since then, other studies have backed up these results by finding similar outcomes in people suffering from other kinds of stress.
Lifestyle and environmental factors
Chronic mental stress, be it due to overwhelming responsibilities, an intense job or a worrying financial situation, may physically make us age faster; however, stress is far from the only factor. “Research suggests that lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet and exercise affect the lengths of our telomeres, either promoting or harming our long-term health and longevity,” says Jue. “The same is true for habits of negative thinking, which are correlated with telomere shortening.” Positive and resilient thinking, on the other hand, appears to be related with good telomere maintenance. These fascinating findings point to a clear link between our mental attitudes and our physical health.
Other complex environmental factors, ranging from our relationships with our communities to the substances in the air, may also affect telomere length. “For example, social discrimination and perceived neighbourhood problems are associated with shorter telomeres,” says Jue. “So is exposure to tiny molecules found in polluted air, known as fine particulate matter.” This provides evidence that socially and physically healthy environments may be vital to slowing down the ageing process.
Digging deeper
Despite decades of productive research, many of the complexities surrounding telomeres and telomerase remain mysterious. The Blackburn Lab is set on solving these mysteries through investigations into how telomeres affect cell division, how lifestyle factors affect telomere maintenance, and how telomeres and telomerase are linked to disease. “For example, we have one study investigating whether a breathing method, used to treat depression, can also affect telomeres and immune cells,” says Jue. The team is investigating whether the Wim Hof breathing technique, in which participants breathe rapidly and then hold their breath, affects telomere length and gene expression in immune cells.
The team has also expanded its research focus to examine the wider, related interactions between the body’s environment and inner workings. “For example, our Building Optimal Antibodies Study (BOOST) is investigating how people’s responses to the COVID-19 vaccine are influenced by factors such as age, immune cell age, sleep, mood and stress,” says Jue.
Dr Jue Lin
Director of the Telomere Core, Blackburn Lab, University of California San Fransisco, USA
Dr Elissa Epel
Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Fransisco, USA
Fields of research: Molecular biology, psychiatry
Research project: Studying the relationships between telomeres and telomerase, long-term health, and people’s environments and lifestyles
Funders: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), MARS Symbioscience, National Institute of Aging, Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation
Protecting your telomeres
In 2017, Professor Elizabeth Blackburn and Dr Elissa Epel published a landmark book about how our lifestyles affect our telomeres and, therefore, our long-term health. Entitled ‘The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer’, the book provides fascinating insights into telomere science. To keep your telomeres healthy, Elissa and Professor Blackburn recommend:
Exercising regularly
Sleeping well
Eating healthily
Fostering a supportive social environment
Cultivating a positive mindset and conscientiousness
Actively practising productive responses to stress
Which of these do you feel you are best at currently? Which would you like to improve? What other health benefits can each recommendation help with?
About molecular biology
Molecular biology involves studying the molecular structures and processes taking place within biological organisms. Molecular biologists research how biological molecules are formed and regulated, their structure and function in living organisms, and how they interact with one another. In particular, they often look at the relationships between proteins and their biomolecular environment, including the genes that code them. Molecular biologists’ findings yield important insights for many aspects of society, in particular health and medicine, but also fields such as ecology, biotechnology and agriculture.
Molecular biologists typically spend a lot of time in laboratories, as well as analysing and processing their results on computers. “Some days involve mostly bench work,” says Jue. “This involves a lot of pipetting to set up assays, or using lab equipment such as the tissue culture hood or polymerase chain reaction machine. Other days, I’m mostly using computer programmes to analyse data and write manuscripts. As research has become more and more collaborative, I also regularly communicate with collaborators via emails and video calls.”
Molecular biology has emerged into its own distinct field within the last few decades. It shares some similarities with biochemistry, which tends to focus on the chemical processes that biological molecules are involved in, and genetics, which typically focuses on the function and inheritance of genes.
“There are lots of emerging advances in molecular biology,” says Jue. “For me, single cell technologies are very exciting. For example, in one study examining people’s responses to the COVID-19 vaccine, we will be able to combine information on gene expression and immune response at the single cell level with telomere length, sleep, mood and stress.”
Molecular biology offers many exciting opportunities. Do some research and gain some experience to assess whether it could be the right career for you. “To get started in a career in molecular biology, first-hand experience is a must,” says Jue. “Join or start a school science club and participate in science fair projects and summer programmes. Once at college, aim to join a research lab to start your research journey.” Jue also emphasises that the scientific process inevitably involves setbacks and failed experiments, but these can be vital learning opportunities. “Scientific research requires persistence, patience and commitment,” she says. “Make sure you are mentally prepared for this!”
Pathway from school to molecular biology
Jue recommends taking foundational science courses at school and beyond, as well as statistics and computer science if possible. She notes that it is increasingly important for molecular biologists to be able to understand and analyse big datasets generated by powerful lab techniques.
At university, undergraduate degrees specialising in molecular biology are increasingly common. Other subjects or courses that can later lead to a career in molecular biology include biology, medicine, biochemistry, chemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, biomedical science and bioinformatics.
Explore careers in molecular biology
The University of California San Fransisco’s Science and Health Education Partnership runs collaborations between scientists and students of all ages, science programmes for students, and the celebrated Bay Area Science Festival. Specifically for high schoolers, they run a biomedical research summer internship and a 10-day workshop focused on cellular engineering.
Pathways to Science provides a very handy database of molecular biology opportunities for high school students, including summer schools, internships, mentorships and events.
According to CareerExplorer, the average molecular biologist salary in the US is $61k per year.
Managing stress
School can be a stressful environment. Social anxieties, parental pressures, and future planning can all be causes of stress. If these stresses continue for an extended period of time, you could experience chronic stress, and this can shorten your telomeres.
Elissa gives a few pointers on how to manage stress:
Mindfulness practices
Have you ever been sat in class thinking ‘I don’t want to be here’ or ‘I wish I was somewhere else right now’? This all-to-familiar tendency is called negative mind-wandering, and it can keep us stuck in a state of stress and tension. “In observational studies, we have found that negative mind-wandering is associated with shorter telomere length,” says Elissa. “We can reduce negative mind-wandering and improve feelings of presence and engagement with the moment through mindfulness practices.”
“There is now a growing body of research suggesting that mindfulness practices, like mediation, Qigong and yoga, can boost telomerase and may stabilise telomere length,” continues Elissa. In mindfulness practices, we attempt to clear our minds of worries and distractions and, instead, become aware of and focus on the present moment.
Try it out – When you get home from school, find a quiet space, and sit still with your eyes closed. Focus your attention on your diaphragm or the tip of your nose and follow your breath going in and out. If you notice that you have become distracted or your mind has wandered, slowly return your attention to your breath. Do this for five minutes and see how you feel.
Sleep rituals
“People who get less than seven hours of sleep each night tend to have shorter telomeres,” says Elissa. If we do not get enough sleep, we can be irritable and less able to cope with the stresses of our day-to-day lives.
The quality of our sleep is just as important as its duration. “Having a sleep ritual that shifts us from an active ‘doing mode’ to a more peaceful ‘resting mode’ can improve the quality of our sleep,” says Elissa. “Rituals are completely personal, so find something that works for you.”
Try it out – Find a routine that helps you relax and switch off before going to sleep each night. This routine might include stretching, avoiding screens, writing about your day in a journal or thinking about the things you are grateful for.
A challenge mindset
Managing stress is not always about reducing stress; it can also be about changing our attitudes towards it. “When we feel threatened or unsafe, we have exaggerated stress responses that our bodies can take a long time to recover from,” says Elissa. “In contrast, we can also have positive stress responses.”
For example, imagine a lion chasing a gazelle. Both animals are experiencing a stress response. The gazelle’s life is in imminent danger, so its stress response will be extreme and negative. On the other hand, the lion has the chance to gain something by catching the gazelle, so its stress response will be positive. In other words, the gazelle is responding to a threat, while the lion is responding to a challenge.
This subtle distinction can completely change the way that our minds, and in turn our bodies, respond to stressful situations.
Try it out – The next time you have to take an exam or give a speech, try to get yourself into a challenge mindset, rather than a threat mindset. Imagine that the good grade is a gazelle to be caught or that the speech is a river to be crossed. Turn your fear into determination.
Social relationships
“Our minds stretch outside of our bodies and are shaped by the social interactions that we have and the environments that we’re in,” says Elissa. “This means that we can be influenced by other people’s stress, but also that our positive mindsets can influence other people. In other words, we are emotionally contagious to each other!”
By managing your stress and cultivating a peaceful mindset, you are not only protecting your own telomeres, but those of the people around you too.
Try it out – If someone close to you is stressed, notice how this makes you feel. Like them, you might begin to feel anxious or on edge. Ask them what’s wrong and offer to sit quietly with them and listen with compassion to what’s on their mind. Instead of offering solutions, offer empathy (e.g., “That sounds really hard”). Interactions like this can help to nurture your social relationships and reduce stress levels for you and your friends.
Meet Jue
As a high school student, I was very interested in chemistry, particularly organic chemistry. Molecular biology was an emerging field when I was applying for college, and I pursued a degree in biochemistry to combine my interest in chemistry with this exciting new field.
One telomere finding stands out as especially fascinating, but daunting. There is a link between levels of stress experienced by babies in the womb and telomere length. The factors that accelerate ageing are at play even before we are born!
I enjoy getting to know and helping many researchers through collaboration. I am always excited to learn about their research and their scientific journey. It is also very rewarding that our research often has direct implications for human health, and could potentially motivate and empower people to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Outside of work, I have a lot of hobbies. I enjoy cooking, reading, listening to podcasts and taking walks in my neighbourhood.
Jue’s top tips
1. Find the questions that interest you most.
2. Stay open-minded about new advances in technology and knowledge that can help answer your questions.
3. Seek collaborative opportunities and be an active participant in your scientific community.
Meet Elissa
As a teenager, I was intrigued by the mysteries of the body, including how the body heals itself from cancer or accidents in unexpected ways, and how medicines and healing practices differ in different cultures. I have been interested in understanding how the mind affects the body, and how the body affects the mind.
I love collaborating with our telomere research team. Jue and Professor Blackburn are very open-minded and curious, and are very eager to work with scientists of all disciplines. We started with the three of us and have built collaborations all over the world, which is fun and exciting.
The most important thing to me is to apply the science to helping people. Professor Blackburn and I wrote The Telomere Effect, and it was exciting when it became a New York Times bestseller. It was a 400-page science book, so only a particular group of people read it: those who can get through a long science and health book. I wanted to reach more people, and focus on stress, so, during the pandemic, I wrote The Stress Prescription. This ended up being a short practical book on stress, and I was excited about reaching a larger audience.
Winding down is very important! My colleagues and I published a big review paper on the importance of true restoration, or “deep rest.” It’s important to get some deep rest during the day and to get good quality, deep sleep. Yoga and other mind-body practices that involve lying down or relaxation put us in a deep rest state. Just lying down with pets is a short form of deep rest; when I get home from work, I like to greet my three dogs with hugs!
Elissa’s top tip
Email scientists and ask them questions about their research. Science is like an international club, where the elders usually put the time in to help support the next generation of researchers.
Do you have a question for Jue or Elissa?
Write it in the comments box below and Jue or Elissa will get back to you. (Remember, researchers are very busy people, so you may have to wait a few days.)
Learn more about telomeres:
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