Why a career in bioscience could be for you
Why a career in bioscience could be for you
“When you know more, you can do more and be more.” That’s the motto of BioSci Toolkit, a resource that aims to inspire Black and ethnic minority communities to pursue careers in bioscience. Dr Chinedu Agwu, a bioscience lecturer at Brunel University, UK, and founder of the BioSci Toolkit, explains.
Who or what inspired you to study bioscience?
I wanted to pursue a university course in medicine but didn’t get any interviews and ended up studying biomedical science instead. Whilst I started the course on a low note, I grew to really enjoy the course. It appealed to my scientific curiosity and exposed me to the various career opportunities available with a bioscience-related degree.
Why do you think there is a lack of diversity in bioscience and the sciences, more generally?
This is a good question, and it’s a multifaceted issue. Contributing factors include a lack of ‘science capital’, where Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) students may not be exposed to people/role models within the STEM space or have much engagement with science outside of the classroom. The influence parents have in subject choices is also a factor. Parents of BAME students have typically steered their children towards more traditional courses, such as medicine, dentistry and engineering, etc., where the career outcomes are more widely known. However, this is changing over time.
Why should young people consider a career in bioscience?
It’s a dynamic and highly relevant sector that requires diversity of thought to best serve the general population. Bioscience directly relates to our way of life and can open many career avenues to suit different interests.
What are some misconceptions about bioscience careers?
Some people think careers in bioscience provide a poor work-life balance, low earning potential and few career opportunities outside of the lab. BioSci Toolkit, alongside many other organisations, is working hard to address such misconceptions through the content we share.
What is the BioSci Toolkit?
BioSci Toolkit is an information resource for prospective and current bioscience students. It was set up to encourage more students into bioscience degrees and careers, especially Black and racially minoritised students, in the hope of reducing inequalities in science education, increase employability and diversify the STEM workforce.
What can people find in the Toolkit?
They can find information about entry requirements for university bioscience courses, how to write a scientific CV, internship/placement opportunities, general university advice, postgraduate advice, videos from bioscience career professionals and so much more!
What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you at the beginning of your career?
Get yourself a career mentor! Whilst I have a mentor now, having one sooner could have helped with my decision-making and put me at ease when I felt anxious or discouraged on my career journey.
What is your philosophy in life that helps drive you forward?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I don’t need to be anything or anyone else, other than what God created me to be. I don’t need to compete or compare myself with anyone. I will make my own unique contribution, and this
Connect with the BioSci Toolkit
Email: bioscitoolkit@gmail.com
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