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Three pathways to teaching with a computer science license


No matter what grade you teach, OSLN has programs that can help you bring computer science to your school. Get students excited, meet education standards, and teach important skills.

Pathway 1: Join the Licensure Exam Preparation Program now (Applications full, )

OSLN’s Licensure Exam Prep Program offers targeted support and deep dives into key exam topics. Deepen your understanding and prepare for licensure under Ohio’s supplemental pathway. The spring 2024 applications are now closed but future rounds will open in the 2024-2025 school year.  Note: Teachers starting with the Licensure Exam Preparation Program can use the professional learning cohort as a component of their mentorship experience as they begin teaching under the supplemental licensure pathway.  


Pathway 2: Join the year-long Computer Science Professional Learning cohort, begin teaching computer science, then prepare for licensure. (Apply by May 1)

Build your foundation this summer and teach computer science in Fall 2024 year under Ohio’s temporary licensure waiver (download here). Then, prepare to take the licensure exam.

Targeted for different levels of learning, OSLN offers four different programs.

Elementary educators can join OSLN’s K-5 Computer Science Program

Middle/high school educators select from three programs, each offered in partnership with Code.org. Programs: Computer Science Discoveries, Computer Science Principles, and Computer Science A.

Connect to your cohort in five-day summer workshop and begin teaching. The cohort continues with a series of workshops during the school year. Connect with peers and with OSLN’s expert facilitators to solve problems as you implement new these lessons.

Then, join OSLN again next spring for the 2025 Licensure Exam Preparation Program.

Pathway 3: Prepare to join the 2025 cohort

Another year-long Professional Learning cohort will launch in June 2025. This cohort also includes the five-day summer workshop and ongoing supportive workshops throughout the academic year.

The Licensure Exam Preparation Program will be offered again. However, funding under the Teach CS Grants will have ended and schools/educators may need to cover costs of the exam preparation program.

Webinars to learn more

Have questions about how to bring these resources to your school? Looking to advocate for computer science or connect teachers at your school? Join these upcoming, free events.How the Teach CS Grants Expand Computer Science Access

The post Three pathways to teaching with a computer science license appeared first on Ohio STEM Learning Network.



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