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Robotics in STEM Education: Building the Innovators of Tomorrow

Robotics in STEM Education: Building the Innovators of Tomorrow


By Katie Brenneman 

The power of a STEM-based education will never be understated. As a society, we have a growing dependence upon advanced technologies, even in industries that don’t initially appear directly related to STEM, which makes this type of education absolutely critical. The skills learned through science, technology, engineering, and math will continue to be essential to our society far into the future.

In the coming years, chances are that STEM advances will continue to have a bigger and bigger impact on our lives. One of the ways it will happen is through the incorporation of more robotics. Thousands of jobs will be lost to robotics and automation while thousands more will be created, largely in fields associated with managing and maintaining robotic systems. To prepare for this, our students will need to become familiar with robotics and become the innovators of tomorrow.



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