Registration ends Feb. 20 for MIT ESP’s Spring HSSP (Mar. 2 – Apr. 6)
MIT’s Spring HSSP — a multi-week, in-person academic program for Grades 7-12 — will take place at MIT on Saturdays, March 2 to April 6 (except March 16), 1PM-4PM. Online registrations are open now, and all applications completed by February 20 will be considered equally in the course-assignment lottery (registrations after that will be taken first-come/first-served as space is available). The cost is $50 per student (regardless of the number of courses taken) and generous, need-based financial aid is available. For more information, see FAQs or email
This year’s course catalog includes these STEM courses:
A Primer in Quantum Computing
Introduction to Graphics Programming with Shaders
AI and Science: An Introduction to AI and its Applications in Modern Research
Computation theory: problems that even the impossible computer can’t solve
Computing in the Small
It’s Not Rocket Science (Wait, Yes It Is!)
How to CAD Almost Anything! – HS Edition
Numerical Methods: Solving Equations w/ Computers
Introduction to speedcubing and abstract algebra
Set theory and applications
Nuclear Reactors: Science and Operation
Experimental Physics Lab
Introduction to Computational Molecular Models
The Earth is Alive: A brief overview of Earth as a dynamic system
Introduction to Microbiology
Pathology Naturewalk
The Economics of Immigration Policy