• info@steminsights.org

Register now for TransportationYOU Summit, Oct. 28

WTS-Boston will host the 2023 TransportationYOU Summit on October 28, 10AM-2PM, for students in ages 8-14 of all gender identities, with a particular focus on educating girls and young women about the collegiate and career opportunities available to them in STEM, and particularly int transportation fields.

The Summit, held in person at UMass Lowell (31 University Ave., Lowell), will have in-person, hands-on workshops and activities hosted by professionals in the field to introduce students to career opportunities in transportation (engineering, planning, construction). Workshops will include activities that simulate real life projects and learn about UMass Lowell’s concrete canoe and steel bridge projects. Space is limited to 100 attendees. Register here by October 13. For more information, y questions, email transportationyouboston@gmail.com.

Separately, through November 6, the WTS Foundation will host a student contest for a rebranding of the TransportationYOU brand.


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