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List of Grants for STEM & Career Exploration


Grant funding can play a key role in bringing your vision for educational change to life. Each month we will be adding new grant opportunities for STEM education and career exploration. Be sure to check back often!


JMJ Phillip Group College Scholarships = Deadline: April 1 | The scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors and students currently enrolled in a college or university majoring in STEM. Awards of up to $1,000 will be provided.
Herbert Lehman Education Fund Scholarship = Deadline: April 4 | The Herbert Lehman Education Scholarship is open to high school seniors, first-year college students, and students transferring who are enrolled or plan to enroll full-time at a four-year college or university. Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, financial need, and a commitment to public service. Awards up to $2,000 per year for four years will be offered.
Sports 4 Life Initiative = Deadline: April 5 (Letters of Intent) | The Sports 4 Life initiative was created based on the knowledge that, while sports participation offers tremendous life-long benefits, young girls of color are disproportionately excluded. The initiative aims to increase the participation and retention of Black, African American, Hispanic, and/or Native American girls, including American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded for coaching, curriculum, equipment, uniforms, transportation, facility rental, tournaments, and team-building activities that foster leadership, self-esteem, confidence, and perseverance. Schools, school districts, and nonprofit organizations are invited to apply.
Challenge America Grants = Deadline: April 30 | Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, Challenge America seeks to provide grant funds to projects designed to bring the arts to underserved populations. Local education agencies, school districts, organizations, and state agencies are eligible to apply for awards of $10,000. A minimum match of $10,000 is required. Applicants are encouraged to consider partnerships among organizations as appropriate to their project.


Teacher Grants for Grades 6–12
Deadline: May 1 | The Toshiba America Foundation seeks to support middle and high school teachers who are passionate about making STEM more engaging for students. Submissions must be for project-based learning initiatives. Grant awards of up to $5,000 are available to support teacher-led projects and initiatives.

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