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Top Five Summer STEM Activities For Kids and Families


Looking for some fun summer STEM activities? Don’t be bored at home this summer! Here are some of my favorite ideas to get active, engaged, and exploring in STEM all summer long:


Museums and Libraries

Your local libraries and museums are a great resource. Many offer summer programs for kids to keep them engaged over the summer and prevent learning loss. Also, many libraries partner with local museums, nonprofits, and businesses to offer deep discounts and even free passes to fun and educational adventures! For example, even my smaller hometown library here in CT has free museum passes to five of the best children’s museums in the state! Definitely worth checking out.

Make a Makerspace

No special equipment necessary! Simply throw household scraps (tin foil, yarn, plastic bags, old clothes, etc.) into a box and get making! Also, many libraries and education nonprofits are developing makerspaces that are free and open to the community. Check google to see if there are any makerspaces near you. But to me, the most fun happens at home! Here are some fun engineering activities to help you get started!

Virtual Vacations

See the world..from home! From outer space to the rainforest and everything in between, virtual field trips allow you to explore the world, all from the comfort of home! In virtual field trips, students take online tours of some of the most amazing places on earth. Virtual field trips are perfect for those rainy summer days, or when it is simply too hot to go outside. Need to cool down? Explore Antarctica with PolarHusky, visit a new country each day with Global Trek, explore the National Parks, explore the Museum of Natural History, and see the Seven Wonders of the World! No crowds, no lines, no driving or flying, and no money required! And it’s not only vacations that have gone virtual! You might also try a Virtual Job Shadow or a Virtual Career Training Course!

Go Outside!

There are thousands of ways that you are literally surrounded by science. Work as a civil engineer to build a giant sandcastle, look for bugs under rocks, figure out why boats float, learn what sweat is made of – the possibilities are endless! Use your imagination and try seeing your world through the lens of science. There is so much to learn and discover! Also, summer is a perfect time to get involved in citizen science projects. In citizen science, you work as a real scientist to observe and collect data within your local area. That data is then used by actual scientists as part of their research! Talk about putting your summer break to good use. Citizen science can also be a great resume booster for high school students. See my favorite citizen science projects to get started with this summer here.

Online Summer STEM Programs

Summer schedules are often jam-packed between vacations, sports, family gatherings, etc. Save yourself the hustle and bustle and check out our 100% online Career In STEM Explorer! Featuring both online and offline activities where students collaborate and explore. The utmost in flexibility and convenience!

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