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I’ve been in Sevilla, Spain for a little over two months now. My apologies for not making posts as consistently as I should, there’s been a lot to learn here in Spain. Mi español es progresando mucho, y estoy muy feliz con mi habilidad a entender español. I switched my host family back in late September due to some complications, and my new host family is a much better fit. It’s been such a wonderful experience living with Sevillanos, and learning about their language, culture, and overall way of life.

I’ve learned so much about myself as well and how little I truly know about life. It seems like I can see better now. Here in Spain, I’ve also made many mistakes, some certainly more severe than others that have allowed me to grow in humility and understanding. I thoroughly enjoy my classes here as well! I’m taking Intercultural Communication and Leadership, Beginner Spanish, Culture & Cuisine, Brand Management, and Filmmaking. My professors, alongside many other people here, are very helpful and kind when I don’t understand something or am struggling to progress.

Self-reflection and perspective expansion have been a huge part of my experience here. Learning to come to terms with certain difficulties in life, being thankful for what I have, and learning to forgive myself have been some of the most valuable lessons here. And above all to have some fun! To spend time wisely because it goes by quick, and to put passion in every step!

If you want to see a bit more of what I’ve been up to here go check out my YouTube channel @Finnegan Rohs. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day! Stay thankful, peace and love!

The post SO MUCH TO DO SO MUCH TO SEE appeared first on Off-Campus Study.



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