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Sending Seville (Spain)


Hola Chicos, Soy Finn! It’s certainly been an interesting last 7 days. The plane rides were pretty smooth besides a delay in my flight from Toronto to Frankfurt which resulted in me missing my connecting flight to Seville. Other than that I believe everything else has gone pretty smoothly so that’s good.

My home stay is nice and my family is very patient with my lack of Spanish speaking. The food here is wonderful alongside the architecture and history! It’s been a bit strange adjusting to the language and way of life, but we’re moving steady!

Classes just started and they’re very interesting from what I can tell so far. Over the last few days I’ve been able to make some solid acquaintances, gain a better understanding of the city, and experience some of the night life here in Seville!

I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated here as well as on my YouTube channel and Instagram @finnegan_a_rohs. Adios!

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