Scientific Method Resources To Engage And Surprise Students!
Scientific Method projects can be fun, surprising, highly engaging, and full of learning! Let’s take a close look at 6 ideas.
A few years ago I mentioned the scientific method to my STEM students and was met with blank looks. They had never heard of it!
What?! Well, I started creating lessons right then to make sure we covered the fascination of science experiments, procedures, and the surprising results that may happen!
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Quick Look at Scientific Method Resources
Interactive Notebook with 10 activities
Task Cards
Flip Booklet
Candy Experiments
Effervescing Tablet Experiments
Let’s Start with a Scientific Method Interactive Notebook Project!
This remarkable interactive notebook features 10 activities on these topics:
What is the Scientific Method?
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
What are properties?
What are variables?
How is data represented in an experiment?
Each topic has a main activity followed by a bonus activity.
The templates for activities are included with photos to help you make decisions.
The teacher’s guide is quite detailed and you will love all the tips!
TIP: Use brightly colored paper for the templates- students love t his!
Scientific Method Task Cards
There are so many uses for this great set, including Scoot (rotating stations), Scavenger Hunts, Centers, Early Finishers, Sub Days, Test Preview or Review, Morning work, Games, Bulletin boards, Homework, and Assessments.
Use task cards with individuals, partners, small groups, and whole-group. Cards can be used with your document camera and projector.
The set has 28 total cards with these topics:
Students love working through these cards!
TIP: Add the task card answer sheet to the interactive notebook!
Scientific Method Flipper Booklet
How fun is this flipper Booklet? Student love all the creative parts- especially sketching scientists and experiments.
These little flippers would be perfect for introducing the Scientific Method, reviewing knowledge of it, leaving on a sub day, or for center work. The flippers make a stand-alone book or can be glued into interactive notebooks!
Scientific Method Project – Candy Experiments
What is the project?
This begins with an exploration using candy. (specifically gob-stoppers)
The experiment plan then follows the scientific method with lab sheets to complete as you work.
Students will be using small bowls, pipettes, and hand lenses.
They will be brainstorming, asking questions, choosing an experiment, writing the steps of their plan, and then carrying out the experiment.
Best of all, the main ingredient is candy!
Is there a design? Yes! Students will have an opportunity to further the experiment by adding their own variables.
Scientific Method Project with Effervescing Tablets
What is the project?
This investigation uses effervescing tablets (commonly called Alka Seltzer).
Students will use the tablets to learn more about what makes dissolving happen more quickly.
After trying a few tests with the effervescing tablet, you can let students choose more variables to test to extend the experiment.
Finally, they will conclude what makes the tablet dissolve the fastest!
You can extend this event by having students design their own additional liquids to experiment more.
Students also have the chance to add their own variables to this experiment!
Let’s Decorate Your Classroom with Scientific Method Posters
When I started creating lessons for the Scientific Method I looked for posters and could not find any I liked. So, of course, I created my own sets!
I now have 15 different sets with amazing color combinations.
Bright primary colors, chalkboard and burlap, pins, green, blues, reds, you name it I have it1 Each set features the steps of the scientific method and includes title posters.
Grab these ready-to-go resources and take off your fabulous exploration of the scientific method! Your students will love everything!
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The post Scientific Method Resources To Engage And Surprise Students! first appeared on Teachers are Terrific.