Massachusetts STEM Week, Oct. 21-25
October 21-25 is Massachusetts STEM Week. Events scheduled for the MetroWest area include:
Tuesday October 22, 10AM: Backyard and Beyond: Working in the Garden at the Discovery Museum in Acton
Tuesday, October 22, 3:30PM: Vinci STEAM Robotics Workshop at the Needham Free Library, Grades 3-7
Wednesday, October 23, 1PM: Early Career STEM Alumni Panel hosted by Mass Bay Community College on Webex (details)
Wednesday, October 23, 3:30PM: See Yourself in the Green Workforce: Explore, Share & Network! at Christa McAuliffe Center at Framingham State University
Wednesday, October 23, 6:30PM: Carlson Lecture – Greenland Ice Cores Tell Tales of Past Sea Level Change at Simons Theatre, New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston or via live stream with pre-registration.
Friday, October 25 at 4:30PM and 6PM: FREE Public Planetarium Film: Atlas of a Changing Earth