How to Raıse an Astronaut?
CC-BY, provided by author
Our SPECE AND STEAM project aims to increase our students’ interests in science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Apart from this, by integrating STEM disciplines with each other, it is aimed to raise students as individuals who think creatively, can solve problems and have 21st century skills. In our project, a girl named Carmen wants to be an astronaut. That’s why she decided to plan her life in this way. She prepares a food pyramid for herself for a healthy diet and does sports exercises for her physical health.
Our Goals
This project aims to help our students develop 21st century skills. In particular, it aims for them to develop problem solving skills through project based learning and the ability to think analytically by creating the food pyramid. It also aims to help them think creatively by learning the design way and creating new designs using the tools needed for everyday life. Finally, it helps to develop hand-eye coordination by performing movements that require object control.
Students were informed that, for a healthy diet, they should take enough vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins and eat them according to the season. The importance of personal hygiene and sports for a healthy life was researched. In addition, pushing and pulling force issues were investigated. In line with the story told, money and saving money were emphasised. Information was given about length and weight measurement issues. The topics of fractions and time were discussed. Based on this information, students created a food pyramid in Canva. In addition, they planned sports exercises for the representative astronaut made of chenille.
Interdıscıplınary Collaboratıon
While learning about science, students also learn about what it takes to live a healthy life, and about the push and pull forces. In mathematics class, they were informed about money, savings, weight measurements and fractions for healthy nutrition. In addition, length measurements were used to measure time while doing sports. It was also emphasised what to pay attention to when buying a product. Students created a food pyramid and their awareness about the first step in healthy nutrition increased. In addition, a connection was established between the importance of sports and healthy living with the astronaut whose representation was prepared. They also improve their vocabulary and understood the meaning of what they listen to and watch.
CC-BY, provided by author
Students’ designs and what they have learned throughout the process are evaluated. They also learn through interdisciplinary collaboration in terms of language development as well as science, mathematics, technology and engineering fields. With these, awareness has been created about what to pay attention to in a healthy and balanced diet. Additionally, the importance of exercising as well as a balanced diet was stressed. The positive aspects of technology were taught using Web 2.0 tools.
About the author
Nurcan OKUR is a Primary School Teacher and Scientix Ambassador.
The post How to Raıse an Astronaut? appeared first on Scientix blog.