How to Make Sure You Choose the Right STEM Resources
Choosing the right STEM resources is important to you! Let me give you a few tips to make sure you get what you need for your STEM class.
Let me share some points to help you choose the right STEM Resources!
“In this post, for your convenience, you may find Amazon Affiliate links to resources. This means that Amazon will pass on small percentages to me with your purchase of items. This will not create extra costs for you at all! It will help me keep this blog running!“
A Little Background on my STEM Resources
During my first year as a STEM Specialist I started searching for ideas. I found a source that claimed to have 50 STEM Challenges in it. Sounded great to me so I purchased it. And it did have 50+ challenges, but many of them were just variations of the same challenge and the most dismaying part- there were no directions.
I am a directions reader. I need the basics of how to do things and as a new STEM teacher, I will freely admit that I had no clue what I was doing. How could I take a basic list of materials and a one-sentence directive and teach a class? Well, I couldn’t, so I started developing my own resources. The things I include are the things I needed when I first started my STEM journey:
Details, details, details, and directions for how to do things!
Photos and samples
Tips for what works and what does not work
The Engineering Design Process
Let’s Start Where Your Students Start a Challenge
The Engineering Design Process
As I started to develop my first STEM lessons I quickly found that many of the resources I was looking at mentioned the Engineering Design Process (EDP). As I read more about that I realized this was important and I made sure my initial lessons used all the EDP components.
And, all my STEM resources still do that! Each step of the process is included, explained, and clearly marked in my teacher’s guides and the student lab sheets.
TIP: When you purchase any STEM resource, look for the EDP. If you are not seeing the steps of the process, I would look for something that does include these important steps.
The Best Part of STEM Resources- The Teacher’s Guide
Think about it. Every curriculum you use in your classroom has a Teacher’s Guide. It’s usually a big, bulky book with many pages of directions and alternatives for you. It’s a basic explanation of how to use the curriculum. Do you need that? I sure do.
I need a step-by-step procedure. And preferably an illustrated one! My resources have that!
Are these directions telling you exactly what to do or say? Not really. STEM leaves the door open for you to add your own style and this will depend on the age level of your students.
Are these directions telling you exactly what to do or say? Not really. STEM leaves the door open for you to add your own style and this will depend on the age level of your students.
My directions are meant to guide you through setting up the challenge, when to hand out materials, how to have your students complete the Planning step of the EDP, what it means to Improve, and how to end the event with a sharing time. If you need this guidance it is provided. If you are comfortable with STEM, then just take a look at the extra tips I include!
Embedded within my teacher’s guides are photos of some of the work, hints about the challenge, and samples from student lab sheets. I use a small font and type a ton of information. I want you to be successful and I want you to be able to set up the challenge – knowing what to expect. I even provide scenarios you can use as the purpose of the challenge!
TIP: Check the previews of items before you make a purchase. Are you seeing teacher directions or just a page that tells you what materials are needed?
Materials and Prep in the Teacher’s Guide
I include a Background page and the Materials and Prep page which is so detailed.
It’s not just a list of items. It’s a list of exactly what you need and where to buy it and even what you can substitute for those items. The preparation steps tell you exactly what to prepare ahead of class and may include tips for all of it. I sometimes include photos of the way my materials look when I set up the display for the class.
TIP: There is no guesswork with my challenges. Remember, that purchase I made with 50 challenges? That resource would list things like craft sticks, but I had no idea how many. Details about how many for each group will always be on my prep page so you will know exactly what to set up. And, of course, you are free to alter those materials as needed.
Photos of Projects!
Oh my, I include photos in all my resources. There are many reasons for this!
All of my resources have been tested- multiple times. You are seeing the actual student work.
You are not seeing just the pretty models. I share the failures, too. This gives you a glimpse of what to expect (because failures do happen)!
3. If needed, your students can see the photos. Some people will say this is “cheating”, but I personally don’t feel this way. I do sometimes share pictures with struggling groups to give them some encouragement.
4. I have 2-5 pages of photos in my resources. The photo pages may also include tips!
Standards-Based Challenges in STEM Resources
What are the standards covered in the challenge? This is a question I am often asked. In fact, that resource I initially purchased (with 50 challenges) was labeled in large letters and claimed to be “Aligned with NGSS Standards”.
ahem……Just a note for you: The NGSS Standards include an Engineering component. This means most STEM Challenges will likely follow the NGSS Standards. The specific numbers for those NGSS Engineering Standards are 3-5 ETS 1-1, 3-5 ETS 1-2, and 3-5 ETS 1-3. Note: Not every challenge uses all of these standards.
TIP: Look for the Engineering Design Process in the challenges you are thinking about purchasing. The standards are already covered and there may be even more NGSS standards possible. But, is the EDP being used? That is important!
Saving Money with STEM Resources with Big Bundles!
Should you try a large, expensive bundle? Especially if you are new to STEM… I have so many variations of bundles in my shop! I have 3-packs, 6-packs, grade level bundles, a seasonal bundle, and a mega bundle. What should you do?
TIP: Try one of my single challenges. I think you will be pleased with the level of help I provide and the content of the resource. Find those single challenges HERE.
TIP: Take a look at many STEM resources. I am listing some at the end of this post. Also, I have some very good STEM friends that all create excellent resources. They all follow the EDP and provide detailed directions for you. I am listing a link for the collaborative blog for you to take a look at.
TIP: How do you decide how much money to spend on resources?
Try a free challenge. I have some. They are not nearly as detailed as the paid ones. But, those challenges will provide you with a format using the EDP, lab sheets, rubrics, and more!
Purchase a single challenge. I have about 100. My friends have even more!
If you decide to purchase a large bundle I can help you decide which is right for you! Just send me a message.
Definitely, check the previews of resources. Can you see all of the pages? Are the pages filled with type? Does it look like you are getting a lot of information? Can you see evidence that the EDP is utilized?
And, consider this: Your purchase is an investment. Invest your money well!
Free Poster Set of Engineering Design Process
Simple STEM Ideas to Get Started
Bargain Materials for Your Classroom
An Easy Way to Help You Plan for STEM
STEM Activities for Kids (Blog and information about STEM teachers I recommend)
My Favorite Picture Books for STEM
The post How to Make Sure You Choose the Right STEM Resources first appeared on Teachers are Terrific.