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Fun STEM Activities for Halloween and Thanksgiving

These fall holiday activities will have you building skeletons, chucking pumpkins, exploring careers, and more! With Halloween and Thanksgiving seasons upon us, celebrate with the best STEM resources for home or classroom. Your students will be smiling, laughing, and learning along the way as they complete exciting activities paired with STEM careers. Check out what Career In STEM® has to offer for the fall holidays:

Top 3 Fall STEM Activities

These Halloween or Thanksgiving STEM activities are super fun and super easy:

1. Fun with Bones: play an x-ray game and build a skeleton!: What is an x-ray machine? With this game and activity for elementary students, you’ll learn about the skeleton, x-rays, and more. It’s perfect for a Halloween science lesson. Not only will you explore x-rays and bones, you’ll actually build your own skeleton!

2. Halloween STEM Careers Webquest & Poster Set: A must-have connection between Halloween activities and STEM careers for middle and high school students. This set includes posters and a distance-learning ready activity. You’ll learn about 23 creepy, crawly, and gross STEM careers that will bring Halloween spirit to your classroom.

3. Pumpkin Chunkin! Halloween and Thanksgiving Engineering Challenge: Who doesn’t want to fling pumpkins into the air? Students in grades 4 plus will use the Engineering Design Process to plan and create their own pumpkin launcher. This activity combines learning and fun – the perfect combination for classroom fall holidays fun!

More Fall STEM Activities & Inspiration:

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