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65 STEM Themed Personal Passion Project Ideas


A Personal Passion Project (PPP) can be anything – create a video game, organize an event, invent something using engineering, it’s your call! The goal of the PPP is to take an intense, deep dive on something you are interested in to build your talents and change the world.

If you love science, technology, engineering, and math here are 65 ideas to get your creative juices flowing and come up with an awesome Personal Passion Project!

65 STEM Themed Personal Passion Project Ideas

create something with code
make your own video game
start a youtube channel
interview an innovator
write and publish a blog post
make a website
invent something that solves a problem you care about
choreograph a dance to explain a hard science concept
host a hackathon
start a nonprofit
start a business
learn to fly a drone
launch a podcast
create an Etsy store
start a Facebook group or online community
hold a workshop
start a budget
create an online class
write a book
start a monthly magazine or newsletter
learn the STEM behind your favorite amusement park
make a map of all the STEM places in your community
start a gallery or online portfolio
join and contribute to a citizen science project
create a new product
plan and hold a fundraiser for a cause you care about
create a new food or recipe
design a futuristic city
find and do a job shadow
find and do an internship
create a product review
invent a new fashion design
invent something that improves sustainability
script a play or skit
learn how to make origami
get on the local news or in the newspaper
learn a skill specific to your desired career field (ex: how to take good pictures, how to weld, how to change the oil in a car, etc.)
make a model
make a collage
learn a new computer programming language
create a recycled work of art
make a garden
plan and host an event
create a virtual tour
design a XXX of the future (chair of the future, house of the future, pet of the future, etc.!)
write a letter to the universe
design and do your own scientific experiment
take a computer (or engine, toaster, etc.) apart and try to rebuild it
solve a UN Goal for Sustainable Development
find a mentor
compose music
teach your grandparent about a STEM topic
invent a STEM themed board game
learn a new language
create blueprints
start a club for your STEM interest (animals, space, computers, etc.)
make an illustrated bookmark collection on a STEM topic
create a calendar to highlight STEM specific events
make a diorama
make a mural
find a pen pal
make a poem, rap, or song
create, administer, and analyze a survey
make a presentation or video

How to Do a Personal Passion Project

As you might imagine, step 1 is to pick something from this list, or come up with your own idea!

Step 2 is to define everything you will need to do your personal passion project. Make a list of all the materials, resources, people, and time you will need to complete your PPP. It is also a good idea to research other personal passion projects and related ideas to learn as much as you can from others before you get started. In Career In STEM Bootcamp a career coach will guide you step by step towards creating your PPP!

Step 3 is to do it!

Step 4 is to share your Personal Passion Project. [All Explorer students can share their PPP in our exclusive Showcase for a chance to win a $500 scholarship!]

Step 5 is to reflect. What went well? What did you learn? What skills did you build? Be sure to add your PPP and everything you learned from it to your resume!

$500 Summer STEM Scholarship Contest HAPPENING NOW! FREE for all Explorer students to enter! CLICK HERE to learn more

The post 65 STEM Themed Personal Passion Project Ideas appeared first on Career In STEM®.



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