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Looking to the future with edge computing

Looking to the future with edge computing

​ Looking to the future with edge computing Published: Edge computing ‘brings the cloud closer’ – enabling small and simple technological devices to perform complex functions. Professor Mahadev Satyanarayanan, at Carnegie Mellon University in the US, and Professor Nigel Davies, at Lancaster University in the UK, are working on making this life-changing technology part of our everyday reality. Talk like…

PTA Meeting Reminder

​ Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, December 6th @ 6 PM for our last meeting of the year! We will also be voting to convert over to a PTO. We hope you can all make it!   

District Parent Survey

​ Dear Parent/Guardian,  We want to hear from you. This survey will ask you questions about your child’s school, including questions about Open House schedules, culture and climate, student engagement, school environment, and school safety. The results of this survey will be used to help us improve our program’s services to students, families, and our community.  Your responses are anonymous,…

Shaunta Ford: Paving the way in computer science education

Shaunta Ford: Paving the way in computer science education

​ Applications open January 16, 2024, for Ohio STEM Learning Network’s and Code.org’s Computer Science Professional Learning. These educators will be trained in teaching Code.org’s Computer Science Discoveries and Computer Science Principles courses. The Ohio STEM Learning Network will facilitate this comprehensive year-long training, specifically designed for middle and high school teachers. Shaunta M. Ford stands out as a dedicated…

STEM Jazz Band Performance

​ The STEM Jazz Band will perform at tonight’s school board meeting (Dec. 4th). The meeting starts at 7pm and the performance will be one of the first things on the agenda. The meeting is streamed live and can be watched on YouTube or Facebook. Tune in and check it out!   

Celebrate CSEdweek and help create opportunity

​ Computer Science opens doors. Learning the basics will help students in every career—from agriculture to healthcare. Seventy-one percent (71%) of all U.S. jobs require digital skills. (Brookings Institution) High-skilled computing occupations are the fastest-growing, best-paying, and largest sector of all new wages in the U.S. Computer Science matters even more for Ohio. According to the Computing Technology Industry Association,…

Tips About Building Bridges in STEM

Tips About Building Bridges in STEM

​ One of the very first structures I ever built with students was a bridge. Boy, I could have used some tips about building bridges right then! This was many, many years ago when I was the Science Club sponsor. At one of our club meetings, I gave students some spaghetti strands (uncooked), some tape, and a cup of pennies….

10 Must-Try STEM Challenges

10 Must-Try STEM Challenges

​ Are you ready for STEM Challenges you Must Try? I have some favorite challenges for many reasons. Students have their favorites- which are always different than mine. And then, there are the challenges you must try. I’m sharing 10 Must-Try Challenges today and will explain why for each. “In this post, for your convenience, you may find Amazon Affiliate…